FREE GIFT: Could Your Childhood be Affecting Your Children?

Kathi Sohn

Core Belief Expert, Coach, Bestselling Author

What is Body Memory?

Who can benefit from the Body Memory Process?

All people would benefit from honestly exploring, then changing, the beliefs that are making them ill, broke, unhappy, lonely, and unfulfilled.

What is a childhood vow?

When we are very young, out of strong emotions (some traumatic), we create our core beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world. We carry these beliefs into adulthood when they can cause problems with our health, relationships, and finances.

What is body memory?

Traumatic memories are stored in what neuroscientists call “implicit memory,” and termed “body memory.” This is the same way your body’s knowledge of how to ride a bike is stored. But there is a lot more going on than just the memory.

How do I know if childhood vows are impacting my life?

Wellness, happiness, and prosperity are available to everyone. If you are experiencing anything less, it is likely that what you decided early on about life is involved in your limitations. The good news is you have the power to discover, then release these decisions!

What are some experiences related to childhood vows?

1. If you go to a massage therapist or chiropractor regularly and notice the same recurring point of tension or pain, you could have a vow in body memory at that place.

2. If you suffer from recurring migraine headaches there could be a major discrepancy between your actual life now and what you thought/were taught it would/should be as a child.

3. Do you have chronic neck or shoulder tension? There is likely a way you decided nobody should ever talk to you.

4. Are indulgences of eating, shopping, drinking, smoking, or gambling out of balance or.even out of control? There could be several vows involved, including I can’t get enough, money is the root of all evil (so I need to get rid of it), or when I get big, I can do what I want.

5. If you experience the same kinds of problems in your relationships, even when your partner changes, there could be vows related to the first relationships you observed in life – the way your parents interacted.

6. Do you tend to please others while denying yourself, experience jealousy, or never feel “good enough?” If so, there could be vows in place from what you decided about yourself as a child.

Bruce Lipton, PhD on the First Seven Years of Our Lives

In this brief clip, Dr. Bruce Lipton discusses the nature of how our life has been programmed and how these programs control our life, our vitality and our behavior in the world. The full, fascinating video is available by clicking here. 

Childhood vows begin in the womb

While the prenatal infant in the womb is not yet verbal, they are very much aware of their environment. In Babies Remember Birth, Dr,. David Chamberlain discusses the profound impact of time in the womb and the birth experience on the health of the child through adulthood. 

Time Magazine

Nov. 11, 2022

Time Magazine presented a fascinating article revealing the mysteries of the womb and the connection of the fetal child with its surroundings: “We also know that long before a child is born its genes engage the environment of the womb in an elaborate conversation, a two-way dialogue that involves not only the air its mother breathes and the water she drinks but also what drugs she takes, what diseases she contracts and what hardships she suffers…”

Newsweek Magazine

September 27, 1999

Newsweek Magazine discussed the dawning realization on scientists of the impact of the womb in later life; “Scientists now think that conditions during gestation, ranging from the torrent of hormones that flow from Mom to how well the placenta delivers nutrients to the tiny limbs and organs, shape the health of the adult that fetus becomes…”

Video Resources

Steven Laureys MD PhD, author of over 350 scientific papers and several bestselling scientific books, is a neurologist and brain scientist working at the University Hospital and University of Liège, Belgium where he is head of the Coma Science Group and GIGA Consciousness Research Centre.

David Sohn discusses how drugs used in childbirth and birth trauma can result in addiction and other issues for the adult.

Are newborns consciously perceiving their environment? Can they feel pain? When does consciousness start? We can now measure brain activity in the womb and in newborn babies And this knowledge changes the way we care for them.

​With over 30 years in the field of prenatal learning and memory David B. Chamberlain, PhD shares the latest finding about the amazing capacity of the unborn and newborn to sense, listen, understand, communicate and remember.